I had two pieces of work published in 2020. The first, in January, appeared in online UK horror magazine DREAM OF SHADOWS. "Voices, In A Cedar-Scented Darkness" (short story, 1030 words) was available online for six months. DoS takes a year of stories published online between June and May and makes them available in a printed/ebook collection. The Dream of Shadows Monthly Stories for 2019-2020, including "Voices, In A Cedar-Scented Darkness", is available on Amazon; 99¢ for ebook, $3.99 for print.
My second published work for 2020 was "The Child-Eating Forest Speaks Its Mind", a long poem published in Liminality Magazine, Issue #26, Winter 2020-2021, just out a few days ago. I rarely take a stab at poetry, but this one worked out pretty well, I felt. I'm curious to see what kind of reaction it gets, so go ahead and take a look. (I've liked a good deal of the other poetry Liminality has published, too.)
Are either of these award quality? I'm prejudiced, but editors thought enough of them to purchase and publish them. Anything further depends on how many people actually read the story and poem, and what they think of them. (There usually isn't much feedback on short fiction or poetry, and even less when it gets published in small press venues. Good thing the main motivation for my writing is to satisfy myself.)